Monday, December 22, 2014

Sagittarius 29°: A fat boy mowing the lawn of his house on an elegant suburban street.

17:22, 12/22/2014, Sagittarius 29°

From Zhu Wei's Album of Ink Paintings, 1988-2008
p. 227     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The need to attend to everyday tasks which both ensure social worth or respectability, and benefit one's constitution.

This rather trivial picture becomes quite significant if related to the preceding three symbols. It brings down to a very concrete and commonplace level what the "flag bearer" and the "sculptor" symbols have presented. A well-attended front lawn is a symbol of the homeowner's concern for his social position, and of his desire to give beautiful form to the growth of natural forces, thus revealing his appreciation of order and aesthetic values. The "fat boy" suggests that constructive working habits are needed to compensate for self-indulgence in the amenities of social living.

This fourth stage symbol speaks of one of the commonplace technical imperatives which face an individual belonging to a social elite. It reveals another phase in the cycle relationship between the individual and the community, and the need to maintain SOCIAL RESPECTABILITY.

Girlcapsule's Response:

From Zhu Wei's Album of Ink Paintings, 1988-2008

Social respectability. I'm not sure what to do with this topic. It's a bit shocking to take in Rudhyar's language that represents this—not at all politically correct or sensitive by today's standards. Also, I should go ahead and mention Rudhyar's use of "man" instead of "human", etc.³...I was worried about bringing it up too soon, in case it took too much space in the conversation. Rudhyar published this book in 1973, perhaps that explains enough.

I'm interested in starting a different conversation. This is not to diminish any work that has already been accomplished in the name of human rights by social justice freedom fighters. I am most influenced by Chomsky who is known to say that social justice should be an on-going experiment.

Here's an idea...I'm going to video myself performing a divination with various of my resources. I will put the camera on a tripod and stand next to it to reach into the frame and demonstrate some of what my research process that you as a reader can judge for yourself whether anything of significance comes forth towards you.

Let me set up my stuff...Ok, here:

Here I used a color-resonance strategy to discover some meaning across the images. At the end of the video I took some time looking to see what was within reach...but nothing presented itself. I realized only afterwards that the leaves I was pointing out are in shape and form an echo of the leaves of the tree in Jung's mandala. I'll post a close-up picture of the leaves in a moment.

Zhu Wei's Album, p. 385][Jung's Tree of Life mandala, p. 131
I consider this a strong case of synchronicity, in the sense that through color resonance and divination I was able to show the kind of spooky action I've been witnessing more and more. 

I opened to the blue-toned Tree of Life mandala in The Red Book by divination (I did not mark it previously for selection,) and identifying the color blue as the "key color", I then turned to Zhu Wei's Album and again by divination turned to the page showing blue tones in the plants pictured. It also strikes me that the bouquet of flowers seems to be a tribute and echo of the same energy that Jung portrayed as a floating pastel-labyrinth blossoming.

What this suggests is beyond mysterious, but my sense is it becomes easier to find this kind of result according to the degree to which an artist is engaging in the creative process on a regular basis.