Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sagittarius 25°: A chubby boy on a hobby-horse.

10:45, 12/18/2014, Sagittarius 25°

pp. 224-225     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The anticipatory enjoyment of powers one can only as yet dream of utilizing.

The horse has always been a symbol of power and, in many instances, of sexual energy. Until very recently the horse gave man a greater possibility of conquering more space and what that space contained. Mounted on his hobby-horse and experiencing the to-and-fro rhythm of its motion, the well-fed boy unconsciously, and perhaps nowadays half-consciously, may anticipate the rhythm of the sexual act. In a sense it is also a kind of make-believe and growth through the imagination, but here the imagination is active at the organic body level. There is something of an initiation in the play.

This is the last symbol of the fifty-third sequence of five. It ends in a mood of play, but it is a play filled with cultural and emotional expectations, unconscious though this expectation may be. We see here the FORESHADOWING of the mature experience of manhood.

Girlcapsule's Response:

Here are a couple of words that are showing up lately both linked to the word cathexis (meaning: an investment of libido, or to invest in an idea or an other...abstract or physical/trans-physical, or psycho-somatic, as they say...): cathect and decathect, both verbs and used with object.

Although the words are new to my ears I can recognize their meaning as an echo of Goethe's systole, diastole perception of the breathing together of things.

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