Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Capricorn 01°: An Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe.

13:25, 12/24/2014, Capricorn 01°

pp. 229-230     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)

(Capricorn 01° to Capricorn 15°)



KEYNOTE: The power and responsibility implied in any claim for leadership.

The religious ideal implied in the preceding symbol has now materialized or crystallized into sheer power—the power to lead the community and to ensure its welfare or even its physical survival. The energies released through group cooperation (Libra), deepened and emotionally experienced as forces of great potency (Scorpio), and given meaning and conscious purpose (Sagittarius) are now stabilized and hierarchized. The power of the group is turned into a measurable and carefully managed "capital." The words "chief" and "capital" come from the same Latin word, caput, meaning "head." A time comes in many lives when the individual finds himself placed in a situation that allows him to assume power over his comrades, however limited this power may be. Is he ready to do this effectively and responsibly? This is the supreme test of man in society. It complements its polar opposite (summer solstice degree), which refers to the acceptance by the individual of a new kind of allegiance as a foundation for the integration of his mature personality. Such a foundation may, but need not, refer to establishing a home.

This represents the first stage in a five-fold process—the fifty-fifth sequence of five symbols. It refers to the capacity latent in every individual to claim and assume AUTHORITY in a vital group-situation.

Girlcapsule's Response:

I feel myself mostly in a state of waiting around today's Sabian Symbol in terms of understanding how it will demonstrate its resonance in my own life.

The picture to the side is one I took today. The leather case is one that my father carried when he was a student. The painting on the side at the back is an original of John Ringhofer (of Half-handed Cloud) from his senior show. He gifted it to me many years ago.

The lion allows me to pull a thread from yesterday's post in which I described my own knee-jerk reaction to criticism (if I'm not able to perceive my guilt in the moment,) as lion-like. This kind of linking strategy can be thought of as the energetic equivalent to keeping a feather afloat with just a breath. Richard, who gave me the beautiful necklace that the lion is wearing, has a truly negative reaction to the frowning kid in the painting. He seems worried about what kind of energy the painting imparts to my living space.

I have to admit it is difficult to look that kid in the face.

Also, here's an order of business regarding the technicalities/logistics of this blog series. The next photo shows a shot from my ephemeris (Tropical Zodiac). I was asking myself recently to double-check from day to day to make sure all is accurate considering that the Zodiac has 360°, and a year has 364/5 days. It reminds me of how my friend Vikram, who is an electrical engineer, would talk about how engineers leave a little wiggle-room, or an anticipated mini-margin of error in mathematical calculations. He said things seemed to work better if there was this small small space allowed for wonkiness.

For the reader who would be paying attention to these details, there is yet another slight variation to be addressed. Rudhyar's symbols start at one and go to 30°. This ephemeris counts from zero to 29° 59 59 and back to zero through each of the signs. Here's where I'll apply Vikram's wiggle room. I promise I will do my best to report the Sabian Symbols as close in time to the ephemeris as I can make out to be reasonably accurate. Therefore, on some days (like today) I will need to create a second post. So I will keep this one short!

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