Monday, December 29, 2014

Capricorn 07°: A veiled prophet speaks, seized by the power of a god.

16:40, 12/29/2014, Capricorn 07°

pp. 233-234     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar


KEYNOTE: The ability to act as a mouthpiece for the revelation of a transcendent will and truth determining future action.

Here we witness the deepest manifestation of that Power which operates within all relatively permanent social units, especially at the level of tribal organization. A tribe is a bio-psychic whole (or organism) integrated by a collective superphysical Power, the god of the tribe. In the Hebrew tradition this god is YHWH (Yahweh-Jehovah); in earlier tribes it may have been a deified more or less mythical "Great Ancestor." All of these tribal gods are local manifestations of the very power of "Life" within the earth's biosphere. It is this deified Power which psychically "seized" especially sensitive or religiously trained men or women, who became Its mouthpiece—prophets, seers, oracles. That Power operates in our days as well, but in different ways because of the individualization and intellectualization of modern man's consciousness. It binds together and helps to maintain the integration of organized social collectivities. It guides their development by releasing and focusing through especially open persons the visionary expectations of developments about to occur.

At this second stage of the fifty-sixth subcycle the future interacts with the present to release it from the inertial power of the past. Thus this symbol stands in contrast to the preceding one. At the threshold of tomorrow man is allowed to have a vision or revelation of the essential elements of the as-yet-unknown next step in evolution. The key word is MEDIATORSHIP.

Girlcapsule's Response:

Oh, lovely! Another connection: the "Great Ancestor" as an original recipient of deification.

Also, this connects to a previous post (2 days ago: Capricorn 05°) and the image that emerged into the conversation from Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces—sending a thread forward to this moment:

I was still marking the page with The Yellow Bird card from one of my fun Tarot decks—inspirationally enhanced at some random previous point by stickers.

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