Monday, December 8, 2014

Sagittarius 15°: The ground hog looking for its shadow on Ground-hog Day, February 2.

14:06, 12/8/2014, Sagittarius 15° 

pp. 218-219     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The value of anticipating new turns of events and ascertaining future prospects.

In our modern industrial society where policy changes and decisions often take several years to reach full actualization, it has become essential to plan with an eye on probable future developments. Such planning requires a study of past trends and the extrapolation of the results. What above all is implied in the symbol is a sensitivity to social or planetary rhythms, and the need to ensure at least relative safety by planning ahead.  This is the last symbol in this fifty-first sequence. Something of the meanings of the first four is involved in the process it suggests. In its highest form the knowledge requires is "eonic consciousness"in modern terms the new science of PROSPECTIVE.

Girlcapsule's Response:

Various versions of Tarot's The Hanged Man

I found today's symbol very strange, especially for the reason that it mentions February 2 specifically, yet when the Sun is in Sagittarius 15°, it will always be December. The keynote points to the value of anticipating the future, while the symbol points to two months from now. This is maybe a good opportunity to practice anticipating the future. 

Also, just a note on the astrology—the Sun on February 2 will be 12° Aquarius. The symbol of which looks like two snakes crawling side by side, and signifies waves or water. I can't help noticing that this sets up an astrological relationship between the Sun's current position, and February 2 as a Sextile (or ~60°) relationship. The Sextile has been described as the ideal geometrical relationship for the highest, or most harmonious expression of energy.

Here is an image of the Tarot cards I was studying during yesterday's meditation. Look, there's another blue snake in the round card. It is functioning as the rope from which The Hanged Man (or woman, in this case) is swinging. The round card is part of a deck known as the Motherpeace Tarot co-created by Vicki Noble, author of Shakti Woman, and Karen Vogel. I had the opportunity of having an astrology reading once with Vicki Noble. She explained to me that the Motherpeace interpretation of the Tarot was, in part, an attempt to bring in the energy of the struggle and victories relating to the civil liberties and feminist movement in order to create more equality among humans.

Here's a closer look: 
Motherpeace Tarot close-up on the blue snake of The Hanged Man

The image at the top of the post shows Carl Jung's face looking straight into the camera lens. I'm pleased to find an excuse to link so quickly to The Red Book, which was only released to the public in 2009 after being kept mostly in privacy by Jung's descendants. The Red Book contains many images that Jung painted himself. Here's a blue-snake link:

The Red Book, p. 54, Illustration featuring a mostly blue snake

I want to recall to the on-going conversation Rudhyar's comment on yesterday's symbol: "The symbol implies that such an archetypal knowledge remains the foundation upon which men's minds can still build solid and valid formulations, as new evolutionary developments are pending" (1973, p. 218). Two points: First, I should say the idea of new evolutionary developments as "pending" is a very compelling idea for me as I'm following my own intuitive response about what to notice and draw out. 

The idea that the future evolutionary developments may begin dropping in on us at such a time as this, a time of evolutionary crisis, is interesting to contemplate. What super-power would you choose? I would choose to trans-dimensional capacities of being, one of which (so it seems to me,) must be that of a shape-shifter.

Second point: remembering the council that archetypal knowledge is the foundation upon which solid and valid ideas can be formulated as connecting with today's message: "What above all is implied in the symbol is a sensitivity to social or planetary rhythms, and the need to ensure at least relative safety by planning ahead" (Rudhyar, 1973, p. 218).

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