Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sagittarius 28°: An old bridge over a beautiful stream is still in constant use.

10:49, 12/21/2014, Sagittarius 28°

Jung's The Red Book, p. 107
pp. 226-227     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The enduring elements in a society which reveal its ability to significantly link the genius of its individuals to the everyday needs of the collectivity.

This symbol brings together, as it were, the essential values implied in the two preceding ones. The mastery over material factors of a few imaginative and trained individuals enables their community to remain well-integrated and able to function easily in the best possible environment. The work of these sculptor-engineers allows their people to develop a relatively permanent culture. A tradition is built which enables men to link their outer nature with the highest vision their leaders can conceive and objectively demonstrate.

This third symbol of the fifty-fourth sequence also suggests the way in which the works of man can blend harmoniously with natural environment in producing beautiful and enduring shapes of profound meaning. Reacting against the ugliness of our commercial and chaotic cities and highways, today we tend to long for "wilderness." But the combination of natural beauty and human skill and imagination is the true ideal to strive for. As Keywords we might use the title of an excellent book by the architect Claude Fayette Bragdon: THE BEAUTIFUL NECESSITY.

Girlcapsule's Response:

I was just expressing to the friend who inspired me to start a blog that I am finding this process to be so enriching. Check out the subtitle of the book Rudhyar mentions: Architecture as "Frozen Music". What a beautiful metaphor.

I felt theme rising within me as I read through today's symbol and explanation. It is a sort of thought experiment I sometimes work with. The term in the literature is likely the imaginal realm. The idea is surfacing to me that landscapes can arise as archetypal in their symbolism (i.e. a mountain top, an oasis, a volcano—or, as we now are discovering, all volcanoes emitting simultaneously).

This intra-global resonance—this viscerally felt clarity that each dweller of this planet comes to know or learn about through direct experience—is also how we come to recognize the interwoven nature of our psychology. For example, if you have ever experienced extreme weather conditions where your life was actually in danger—this is a shared experience among living beings whether they are human or otherwise. Maybe not everyone alive has experienced this, but it is in our collective psyche, as they say.

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