Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sagittarius 21°: A child and a dog wearing borrowed eyeglasses.

11:13, 12/14/2014; Sun: Sagittarius 21°

pp. 222-223     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)



KEYNOTE: The use of imagination and make-believe in anticipating higher stages of development.

This rather peculiar symbol seems to imply here that by imitating features belonging to a level of consciousness as yet unreachable, the process of growth may be accelerated. Eyeglasses symbolize intellectual development; the chiefs of primitive  tribes in some instances have sought to impress their people by wearing spectacles without glass, or Western hats—simply because these objects seemed characteristic of a race of superior people. This is similar to the process of growth by identification with a "Master" or guru. In a sense it is mere pretending or make-believe, yet by wearing the "mask" of a god the medicine man at the time becomes for all practical purposes the incarnation of the god. Growth is always a hierarchical process, even if the growing entity is not aware of it.

This is the first of five symbols constituting the fifty-third sequence. It suggests the value of LEARNING THROUGH IMITATION.

Girlcapsule's Response:

Delocroix: The Barque of Dante, 1822
I don't know exactly how to respond today. The energy of the last post is certainly aligned with the symbol description of today. I realize some of my readers might be thinking that this gig is rigged.

I'm happy to report I did not plan any of this ahead, I hadn't even read today's symbol ever in my life before today. I have, however, been working with the materials that are depicted for quite some time.

This evolution of my personal library began about six years ago. I became curious about consciousness studies as they are emerging into popular culture as well as scholarship out of physics as we learn about the habits of Cosmos at the quantum scale.

Many scientific minded individuals are beginning to ask some very interesting questions and the phenomenon of paranormal studies is gaining ground. There are some brave souls coming forward, emboldened by the statistical significance and reliability of their carefully tested hypotheses. Perhaps this mask of innocence has a function of its own. Perhaps we are pulled to our destinies according to when our best possible achievement would be most likely maximized of its benefit. What if we make our soul-journeying way into time in just that way?

Rupert Sheldrake, Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative Causation

The image to the right shows a note of mine scratched onto note-paper that is stamped with a mandala depicting a heart-shape rising between two fish. I chose to describe this image with words in order to direct your attention to the block-stamp. 

A mandala is meant to symbolize a microcosmic encapsulating prism that somehow contains within itself an expression of the wholeness of the macrocosm. This old alchemical recognition is perhaps best understood as analogous to the way in which a single cell holds well-hidden the ontological secret to the unfurling of full-expression of its being as it navigates the flux of  cosmogenesis.

Sometimes it occurs to assign myself Imaginal Realm homework for pondering. Such as: 

  • Is it possible my true nature is half-human—half-mythical creature?
  • Is it possible I have a shape-shifting potential latent within me? 
  • What might it mean to write something on a paper marked with a mandala? Is it possible that this could somehow prove more powerful in some way—whether acting like a blessing or something more witch- or warlock-minded? 

The images above show a journal I created more than ten years ago. I used a book of John Cheever's as the container and then created a book of my own within where I saved many souvenirs from trips to places such as Vienna in Austria. The black-ringed postcard of a row of houses with red roofs receding into the layered up background is one of Hudertwasser's. I found this journal in a spot well-hidden from view only after accidently knocking over my kombucha this morning.

Here's another image that recalls an echo of yesterday's post. Egon Schiele's face is seen on one side, and my own in a picture taken by my friend John Ringhofer when we were still quite young. Notice the Cheshire Cat figure worm-holing into view. The yellow submarine allows me to make another link and invite my love of the Beatles into this blog-series.

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