Friday, May 22, 2015

Taurus 29º: Two cobblers working at a table.

12:40, 05.22.2015, Friday, Gemini 00º (late posting)

p. 88     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The two-fold character of man's mature understanding.

In symbolism the feet are the symbol of understanding. Understanding differs from mere knowledge because it implies at least some degree of identification in the depth with what is being understood. Moreover it is impossible fully to understand anything except when its opposite is taken into consideration. The mental process of understanding––and therefore of appreciation––implies confrontation between two points of view. These the mind gains a sense of perspective. The way to dispel a shadow is to have the object illuminated (on its own two-dimensional level) by two sources of light. True understanding dissipates any intellectual shadow. The "two cobblers" symbolize two contrasting ways of approaching the understanding of an experience––especially a new experience––and they provide concrete forms which may clothe and protect the understanding.

This is the fourth stage of this twelfth five-fold sequence. It reveals symbolically the way in which a mature individual mind works in an attempt to gain PERSPECTIVE; a true perspective becomes the foundation upon which to build a new approach to life.

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