Monday, May 4, 2015

Taurus 09º: A fully decorated Christmas tree.

19:51, 05.04.2015, Taurus 13º (late posting)

p. 76     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE:  The ability to create inner happiness in dark hours.

In northern or mountainous countries where the Christmas tree symbol took form, we find a contrast between the tree outside––bare and normally covered with snow––and the tree inside the home––loaded with decorations and gifts for the family. If we follow up the meaning of the preceding symbol, we see that snow has come outside; but the prepared and closely united group has created abundance, beauty and happiness within, overcoming the cold barrenness of the outside world––just as man had overcome, in a previous symbol (Phase 35), the natural obstacle to his progress. The Christ symbol is also included in the background––that is, the vivid faith in a transformed future.

This fourth stage symbol suggests the ever-present possibility open to man to transfigure the darkness and deprivation of the low point of a life cycle by incarnating in it an antiphonic response celebrating the ever remembered and always expected high moments of life. It evokes man's undying FAITH IN CYCLIC RENEWAL.

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