Friday, May 15, 2015

Taurus 23º: A jewelry shop filled with valuable gems.

11:14, 05.15.2015, Friday, Taurus 23º

pp. 84-85     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The social confirmation of natural excellence.

Two elements should be distinguished in this symbolic picture: the gems that result from natural processes, often induced by extreme volcanic heat and pressure, and the finished products of refined craftsmen. Both the gems themselves and the artistry are highly prized and bring prestige to the owner of the jewels. The symbol applies to any product in which culturally acquired skill has embellished or transformed the end results of a lengthy and demanding natural process.

This is the third stage of  the eleventh five-fold sequence of phases. At this stage we are concerned with the social process which brings about a CERTIFICATION OF PERSONAL WORTH.


The magic of the greenbelt, that perfect distance from the Sun
Round and roiling jewel sweeping a path for living beings 
Now minus 200,000 years into it's interesting development: humans
The birth plus 13.7 billion, give or take: humans?
From tool-maker to re-arranger of furniture in 300 years flat
May the exuberant joy of it fill me with inspiration
May my cosmology learn to allow
May this life contribute all its wisdom gathered to the collective field

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