Sunday, May 17, 2015

Taurus 25º: A vast public park.

16:13, 05.17.2015, Sunday, Taurus 25º

pp. 85-86     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The cultivation of natural energies for collective use and recreation.

At this final stage of the sequence of symbols focusing on emotional-cultural values, we witness the positive and impressive results of man's collective endeavor to live in peace and to enjoy moments of relaxation. The public park is designed and kept for the enjoyment of all the people of the city.

This is a symbol of COLLECTIVE ENJOYMENT. The individual finds in the products of his culture an emotional enhancement born of the feeling of "belonging" to a large, organized, peaceful whole.


Note on reading from today––corresponding with today's date and mentioning Proteus. From Rudolf Steiner's Goethean Science, p. 19:

On May 17, 1787 (Italian Journey), Goethe communicates these thoughts to Herder in the following words: "It became clear to me, namely, that within that organ (of the plant) that we usually address as leaf, there lies hidden the true Proteus that can conceal and manifest itself in every shape. Any way you look at it, the plant is always only leaf, so inseparably joined with the future germ that one cannot think the one without the other."

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