Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Taurus 22º: White dove flying over troubled waters.

12:30, 05.13.2015, Wednesday, Taurus 22º

p. 84     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The spiritual inspiration that comes to the individual in the overcoming of crisis.

Here also we are confronted with a symbol of guidance, and the dove flying over troubled waters reminds one of the story of Noah and the Ark. Noah met his and mankind's crisis courageously and in complete obedience to God's promptings. The test completed, he received the dove's message. It is a message from the Holy Spirit announcing a new Dispensation. This symbolic scene can be applied to personal crises resulting from emotional upheavals or from the irruption of unconscious forces and impulses into the consciousness––if the crisis had been faced in the right spirit.

This second stage symbol is in contrast to the preceding one because here it is not the product of a culture, a "book," but instead the rhythm of cosmic, God-ordained cycles that reveals its conclusive beat through a living and concretely significant sign––a REWARD TO THE FAITHFUL.


This astrological mandala is so strange at times. Noah's Ark is such an odd complexity to introduce, yet it is so culturally available: this association of a white dove to this story. What if we change the story just a bit and consider also a slight update.

My hero is Joseph Campbell of The Power of Myth his writings helped me recognize the commonality of the spiritual to religious impulses humanity's multiplicity celebrates. There are so many, perhaps even a few that have disentangled the question of morality or of the ways that corruption shows the way back to a clear conscious, so to speak. Who went looking for trouble in the first place? All those considered rebels against the cause, perhaps? The shifting edges of perspective are always shifting, but there are some growing patterns of moral ethos that would suggest humankind is attempting towards the good, the true, and the beautiful. Consider all the affirmative actions to bring equality and voice to the unrequited. Will the unrequited experience on the whole a lessening of suffering? Or will others simply file in to fill the ranks as necessary––and no consideration of such topics engage.

I don't know what to suggest. But I find resistance within myself and I would make a change if I am so lucky. Such as addressing the problematic nature of evangelistic creeds and influences.

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