Sunday, January 11, 2015

Capricorn 20°: A hidden choir is singing during a religious service.

17:51, 01.11.2015, Capricorn 20°

p. 241     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The fulfillment of the individual's creative function through his participation in a group performance consecrated to a transcendent realization of unity.

In great cathedrals and other religious edifices the choir is normally hidden behind the altar or above the nave. It symbolizes thus more perfectly the supernal harmony of "heaven"—or the music of the spheres. The ideal of social participation is exalted to its highest manifestation, for the choir also represents the multifaceted and polyphonic unity of the community in its transcendent state of perfect harmony. Within this harmony the individual who has overcome his egocentric separativeness and developed his higher consciousness finds fulfillment in superpersonal togetherness.

This is the fifth and last symbol of this fifty-eighth sequence. It presents us with the purest form of group-harmony, the most basic yet most difficult fulfillment of the social state. At the level of the individual person this "hidden choir" would refer to the polyphonic integration of all faculties in their most spiritual manifestations: the ideal of PLENITUDE of being.

Girlcapsule's Response:

We must know that some things will always remain hidden just out of sight. But what will our minds come up with when we contemplate this? What might the most self-deluded persons tell themselves always? We know the answer to this: I am innocent, no matter how the evidence may stack up against me. This seems to be a common aspect of our human nature.

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