Saturday, January 31, 2015

Aquarius 08°: Beautifully gowned wax figures on display.

16:32, 01.31.2015, Aquarius 08° (a bit late...

pp. 253-254     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The inspiration one may derive from the appearance of Exemplars who present to us the archetypes of a new culture.

We are dealing here with the fixed symbols upon which a culture is based, with mental archetypes. They are kept and made available as patterns to imitate, or at least from which to draw new motives for inspiration. We are at the stage of vision: new forms are revealed to the consciousness, as well as new ways of meeting other people in social relationships.

This is the third stage in the sixty-second sequence of five symbols. In a sense the generic human past and the future are implied here. The wax figures are impersonal forms. The gowns constitute a static presentation of ideal patterns; yet they are the PREFORMATION of what will be experienced in the culture being born. They herald new collective developments.

#2¢—Girlcapsule's Response:

The relevance of today's symbol is having a strong psycho-somatic effect on my person. I am feeling astonishment as I take it in, mostly. I am fascinated to meditate on the transdimensional juiciness implied in this language: "...from the appearance of Exemplars who present to us..."

It reminds me of an account Grof shares in The Adventures of Self-Discovery where he so skillfully gives language to a similar thought—though in Grof's case it was a first person account of a mythic vision experienced in a mystic|shamanic flavor of an altered-state of consciousness. I will quote this out once my books are back on their shelves in my new place of residence—still a bit in the future to me now.

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