Sunday, January 25, 2015

Aquarius 03°: A deserter from the Navy.

17:41, 01.25.2015, Aquarius 03°

p. 250     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The individual's self-realization through a crucial repudiation of a collective status which has become unreliable.

This symbol recalls the one for Scorpio 21°, but the fact that actual "desertion" is emphasized and reference is made to "the Navy" suggests that the crisis symbolized here is one implying an irrevocable change of status. Man refuses to accept the type of cultural patterns derived from his society's specific approach to local circumstances and to the universe as a whole, and in another sense, from its particular relationship to the all-human collective Unconscious. (The Navy refers to the ocean of primordial and unconscious evolutionary forces.) He not only refuses to obey orders, he deliberately turns his back on his collective social status; he becomes an outcast, and through this decision he may definitely individualize his consciousness.

This is the third stage of the sixty-first five-fold sequence. Something with collective social value is being potentially  destroyed, but nature is not the destroyer (as in the preceding symbol). Man, the individual, steps out of his bondage to collective patterns and ideals. He may thus "find himself" by means of a sharp renunciation of his social birthright, i.e. by a crucial process of DESOCIALIZATION.

Girlcapsule's Response:

Note: the symbol that Rudhyar makes reference to (Scorpio 21°) is: OBEYING HIS CONSCIENCE, A SOLDIER RESISTS ORDERS, with a the KEYNOTE: A readiness to face the results of a refusal to follow the authoritarian patterns of an aggressive society.

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