Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Pisces 17º: An Easter parade.

12:32, 03.10.2015, Pisces 19º (late posting)

p. 279     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE:  The capacity inherent in all great sociocultural Images to unite the members of a community in a display of excellence.

Here we see, by contrast, the unifying power of great myths and symbols in truly organic and self-perpetuating culture. The Image of the Resurrection spurs all men within the pale of Christendom to appear at their very best and to dynamite themselves in some kind of self-renewal in response to the Christ mythos, and to the call of nature's springtime as well. Wherever found, this symbol emphasizes the value of attuning one's life and activities and moods to the ritualistic patterns of society or Earth-nature, rather than acting in complete independence from the group.

At this second stage of the five-fold subcycle the Collective dominates the Individual, Yin overpowers Yang. It is a time for conformity to what constitutes the highest ideals of one's culture and for PARTICIPATION IN COLLECTIVE PEAK EXPERIENCES.

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