Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Aries 02º: A comedian reveals human nature.

12:23, 03.31.2015, Aries 09º (late posting)

p. 51     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYWORD: The capacity to look objectively at oneself and at others.

While the first phase of the process of emergence is essentially in terms of subjective impulse and the desire to act, the second phase represents the attempt to evolve an objective awareness of existence. Through a sense of contrast, consciousness is gradually being built. It is what Teilhard de Chardin calls "reflective consciousness"; the ability to see oneself reflected as in a mirror, and eventually to laugh at the inadequacy of the form one sees; thus "humor," the triumph of objective consciousness over subjective feelings or moods, or involvement in self.

This symbol characterizes the second stage in the first five-fold sequence of phases: the stage of OBJECTIVIZATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. This second phase complements and polarizes the first, which stresses the subjective desire to become individually conscious.

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