Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Aries 05º: A triangle with wings.

13:03, 03.31.2015, Aries 09º (late posting)

p. 53     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The capacity for self-transcending.

This is the symbol of the desire to reach a higher level of existence, of pure aspiration or devotion, of bhakti. What has emerged in the first phase of the process of differentiation is becoming aware of the possibility of further up-reachings. The principle of "levitation" is seen as one the two essential factors in evolution. The emergent being glorifies and deifies it, but it is still only an ideal. At this stage, nevertheless, the whole being experiences a childlike longing for its eventual realization.

At this point in the last and synthesizing stage of the first five-fold unit in the cyclic process is reached. A NEW DIMENSION of being is envisioned mobilizing creative endeavors.

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