Saturday, February 28, 2015

Pisces 05º: A church bazaar.

12:51, 02.28.2015, Pisces 09º (late posting)

p. 271     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The value of giving a spiritual or transcendent sanction to even to most commonplace interchanges between social persons and individual minds.

This is the last of the five symbols emphasizing the interaction between people constituting a social group, small or large. It brings in the element of religious sanctions. The purpose of any organized religion is primarily to meet the need of giving a more permanent significance to interpersonal relationships within the framework of a particular way of life and culture. It helps to keep the society "whole" by making it "holy"–at least in principle and ideal. It justifies human behavior by blessing it with a divine Revelation of what is good and valuable. It idealizes biological and social needs by ritualizing them.

This ends the sixty-seventh five-fold sequence on a note of RITUALIZED BENEFICENCE. It stresses the possibility of the "Presence of God" in even the most material human activities.

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