Saturday, February 21, 2015

Aquarius 29º: A butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.

15:08, 02.21.2015, Pisces 02º (late posting)

p. 267     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The capacity to utterly transform the character of one's consciousness by radically altering the structural patterns of everyday living and the types of relationships one enters upon.

This is the second time within a very short span of the cycle that the butterfly symbol appears (cf. Aquarius 25º). Here what is emphasized is the process of metamorphosis itself. It is the fourth symbol of a five-fold sequence and it stresses the essential character of the activity required at this stage of the cycle; i.e. nothing short of a complete renewal of all the implications of being alive as a human individual would do. A radical change is needed. At this stage, this change is individual and mental, and it should be seen against the background of humanity as a whole. What is revealed is the potential ability of every human being to participate in a higher realm of evolution AFTER his or her emergence from a critical state of transition.

At this fourth stage of the sixty-fifth sub cycle the Keyword is METAMORPHOSIS. In spiritual terms, this implies "Initiation," i.e. entering a higher real of conscious existence and there joining a sacred Company.

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