Saturday, February 21, 2015

Pisces 02º: A squirrel hiding from hunters.

16:06, 02.21.2015, Pisces 02º

pp. 269-270     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The individual's need both to ensure his future subsistence and to protect himself from aggressive social elements.

The squirrel not only has to hide and store food for the winter, but to be on the lookout for the dangers involved in gathering this food supply. Social processes always cast strong shadows. The individual is never certain of being safe among his fellow-men, once the process of individualization–with its negative aspects, competition, social aggressively and greed–forces the breakdown of the organic tribal state of mankind during the archaic ages.

This second stage symbol contrasts with the first. It warns of the dangers of life in society during an era of exacerbated individualism, when violence is a possibility never to be dismissed. The need for SELF-PROTECTION and caution is ever present.


I am feeling drawn into this process in a new way lately–that is to wait a few days and then do a catching-up. I feel the impact is very much more powerful in terms of following a kind of mind-yoga, and actually being able to track the echoes of the various threads that lay themselves out side by side. Like weaving Indra's net with infinite care.

It seems to me that my invitation to this process, entitled "Protean Ponderings," has allowed my current focus on trans-dimensional "contact" scenarios to blossom through the prism of these Sabian symbols (symbols linked to the Babylonian culture,) to find a kind of wonky output of insight– Rudhyarian-style circa 1973. Which, by the way, is also my year of birth.

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