Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Aquarius 12°: On a vast staircase stand people of different types, graduated upward.

16:21, 02.03.2015, Aquarius 12°

p. 256     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: The necessity of recognizing differences of types and levels of development wherever human beings live and work together.

This symbol obviously refers to the ascending process of evolution of life forms and consciousness. It seems to apply especially to the fact that differences of levels exist among human beings. The ideal of equalitarianism has to be balanced by a realization that hierarchy of levels is a fact of nature. Each person should be aware of the level at which he (or she) stands, even as he strives to move toward a higher one. He should look up for inspiration and examples, while helping the human beings of the next lower level to reach up. This is the great give-and-take of evolution, and it applies to sociocultural evolution as well as to the progression of biological species.

At this second stage of the sixty-third sequence we find a symbol of "ascent," contrasting with the preceding one which implied a "descent" of spiritual forces. It warns us against sentimentally overstressing our Western equalitarianism which essentially applies to the spiritual core of all individual persons, considered "sons of God" or spiritual monads. Every human being is potentially divine as an individual person, but THE NATURAL PROGRESSION OF STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS is an unavoidable reality to accept at the social-mental level.

Girlcapsule's —2¢:

What an interesting symbol to contemplate. I love that the alternative to "sons of God" is offered as "spiritual monads". What a great term.

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