Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Aries 23º: A pregnant woman in light summer dress.

11:24, 04.14.2015, Aries 23º

p. 66     AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)


KEYNOTE: Fecundity.

Masculine aggressiveness and the woman's desire for fulfillment (Phases 21 and 22) are integrated and realized in the expected child. This three-fold sequence can be seen operating at several levels, and the third term, the child, can take various emotional and cultural forms. The basic meaning remains the same. Summer is the period of fruition. Man—at the receptive "woman" level—reaps the fruits of his dynamic activity.

This is the third stage of the fifth five-fold sequence of cyclic phases. It combines the two preceding ones and suggests INNER FULFILLMENT.


Ok, here's some hard evidence:

That is to say...for those who have been following this blog series since it began sometime last year, I don't quite know how to address this moment. 

I had to update my own adobe flash to be able to view this movie:

Honestly, I couldn't be bothered. I found a way to view the video on my big old Mac and what I noticed is some new kind of trick of light there is some anomaly in the 2¢ video that can be seen in the last frame

Here's my suggestion let's nudge-start a you've-been-chosen careers & scholarships: i.e. teach story-telling along with visual light tricks to students of all ages—2¢ contributions will find a way to fund this.

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