16:05, 04.06.2015, Aries 15º
p. 61 AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA, by Dane Rudhyar (1973)
KEYNOTE: Projecting into everyday living the realization of wholeness and fulfillment.
In Christian tradition one hears of Jesus' "seamless robe." In Asia one is told of the "spiritual vesture" of the Perfect Ones. The man who has attained the spiritual state is figuratively robed in the universe—and more precisely, in the Milky Way, the Great White Robe of interwoven stars. This is the ultimate kind of weaving. There are also Penelope's weaving and unweaving, waiting for the return of her polarizing mate. The mind of the American woman in which these symbols took concrete form could think only of "Indian weavers." For the white man who is hungering for symbols of a state of living in total harmony with the universe, the traditional Indian can be glamorized as the answer to the inner emptiness of the city-dweller surfeited with artificial values. At any rate, we may thus prefigure a future state of fulfillment in conscious harmony and unpossessive love.
If this symbol comes to the consciousness of the inquirer after meaning, deliberately or through an aleatory act of revelation (like the act of throwing sticks to obtain an I Ching symbol), implied is the profound fact that every individual has as his ultimate conscious task the weaving of his "immortal body," his Gnostic Robe of Glory. It may sound very mystical and "far out," but there is a moment in every cycle when, in however small a degree, every individual many be confronted with the potentiality of a fulfilling act of self-realization and may, ever so relatively, find himself "clothed in light" for an instant.
This fifth stage of the third five-fold sequence of symbols ends the first of the twenty-four "scenes." We are told by it that the FULFILLMENT OF DESIRE is a possibility, at whatever level and in however incomplete a manner it may be experienced.
Today I am happy to have caught up in this task—this commitment to walking this Sabian Symbol path. I feel a bit discouraged due to having viewed last evening a documentary on Ron L. Hubbard's fiasco of a legacy known as Scientology. It makes me feel hesitation to trust this testing process that humans seem to be undergoing in a collective sense. The will for power is so strong and attractive to the human ego—it still so easily blinds one from a greater vision that is unfolding. And the aggregate of human choices is showing little to no reason to hope that we can avoid the increasingly prevalent wars for resources as well as the psy-ops that may come with this suicidal strategy for control on a global scale.
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